Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Models Own: Slate Green

sSo to follow on from my previous post...I must report on the false toenails I tried out. They lasted a whole four hours in the end before I had to take them off! I could cope with the little ones, it was just the big toes that were unwearable as they were SO long for some reason. However, I would still use the again, but on an occasion that I would only be wearing sandals/flip flops (as they don't go very well with boots, as I found out!)

Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick NOTD from my recent haul. This was my favourite colour and I had to put it on as soon as I got it! I think it has probably become my no.1 polish and I had so many comments while I was wearing it too which is always nice!

It went on really nicely (this is my first time using Models Own) and this was with 2 coats. It stayed on really nicely too, which is always good.

But I regret that I am going to be taking it off tonight as I really want to try something new. I've been wanting to give it a go for a while but never got around to it....Leopard nails! Hmm...this could be fun, wish me luck! I'll let you know how I get on.

OH! And I just want to say hi to my 2 new followers, yay!


  1. I have been considering getting this. Only didn't get it due to the MO website being buggy and playing up. I'll get round to it.

  2. It's a really gorgeous colour, I'd definitely recommend it! I got mine from not sure if there is any price/delivery difference than the MO website but maybe worth a look


Let me know what you think or just say hello I love hearing from people who read my blog!